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Dr. Ryan Smith Offers Tips On Improving College Enrollment In California ... 2024-04-23 03:00:13
MONROVIA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / April 22, 2024 / Rooted in his extensive experience as an educational leader for 20 years, including service as Superintendent of the Monrovia Unified School District, Dr. Smith advocates for a student-centric, forward-thinking, and inspiring approach to educational leadership. Dr. Ryan Smith is offering insights on how to improve college enrollment in California. He bases his motivation in an EdSource report that recently revealed a startling fact that will likely surprise many Californians: nearly half of the state's high school graduates find themselves unqualified to enter either the University of California (UC) or the California State University (CSU) systems. The core issue, the report notes, lies with the 'A-G requirements', the mandatory coursework for admission into these universities, which a significant number of graduates fail to fulfill. Graduation rates and A-G completion rates, the reports notes, have seen only minor improvements over the past decade.

This data, while troubling, is no revelation to educators and policymakers in California. Schools and districts have long been creating strategies to enhance A-G completion rates. Measures include integrating metrics in their accountability models and developing comprehensive plans. Despite these efforts, the problem remains pervasive - and the real roadblock here seems to be the complexity of making a real, meaningful change.

Dr. Smith believes that tackling this issue begins with a shift in mindset and elevated expectations. The ultimate goal of education, he says, should be to equip every student with the ability and choice to attend a four-year college if they wish. Addressing the inequities in A-G requirement completion, Dr. Ryan Smith notes, is the first step to challenging the notion that a four-year college path isn't for everyone.

While not every student may choose to pursue a four-year college education post-graduation, Dr. Smith says that it's vital to provide these students with the necessary skills to eventually attain a bachelor's degree, as and when needed.

To conquer the obstacles that prevent students from fulfilling the A-G requirements, Dr. Smith says, schools must carry out comprehensive analyses. Aligning high school graduation prerequisites with A-G standards, broadening the range of courses that receive A-G credit, and reassessing course sequences, he notes, can all contribute to systemic reform.

Facilitating student success in fulfilling A-G requirements, Dr. Smith says, demands an array of strategies. Programs like AVID foster a college-going culture, while technologies like MajorClarity streamline the process for counselors and admins.

Dr. Smith adds that parents too play a key role in their children's journey towards college readiness. Starting from elementary school, parents need to be involved, informed, and empowered via strategies, resources, and tools to guide their students better.

Although the existing level of college readiness among California's high school graduates is subpar, Dr. Ryan Smith says, it is not irreversible. This represents a call for all stakeholders in education to unite, fostering higher expectations, breaking down barriers, amplifying support, and bolstering partnerships with parents. The path towards educational equity and excellence is an arduous one, Dr. Smith says, but with these strategies, it is within reach. It's time to bring about the necessary change and ensure every student is prepared to excel in the fast-paced world that lies beyond school, with all options open.

Additional Strategies for A-G Completion While the strategies mentioned above are crucial in tackling the issue of A-G completion, Dr. Ryan Smith says there are other avenues that can also contribute to improving outcomes for California's high school graduates. Some of these include:

Encouraging and supporting advanced coursework: Dr. Ryan Smith notes that, schools should strive to offer a wide range of AP and IB courses, as well as other advanced coursework options, to prepare students for the rigor of college-level studies. He adds that, students should also be provided with adequate support and resources to succeed in these courses.

Another strategy that Dr. Smith touches on is strengthening career and technical education (CTE): CTE programs, he says, can provide valuable skills and knowledge to students that can prepare them for both college and the workforce. By offering A-G credit for CTE courses, schools can incentivize students to take these courses and potentially earn A-G credits while exploring their career interests.

Providing targeted interventions: Schools, according to Dr. Ryan Smith should identify at-risk students who are struggling to fulfill A-G requirements and provide them with targeted interventions such as credit recovery programs or academic tutoring. These interventions, he says, can help students catch up on missed credits and stay on track for graduation.

Fostering a supportive and inclusive school culture: Creating an environment where students feel supported and valued, Dr. Ryan Smith says, can have a significant impact on their academic success. Schools, he notes, should promote inclusivity and provide resources for social-emotional support to help students navigate the challenges of high school.

Offering summer programs or extended learning opportunities: Summer programs or extended learning opportunities during the school year, Dr. Ryan Smith says, can be beneficial for students who need additional time and support to complete their A-G requirements. These programs, he adds, can also help students earn credits in a more flexible and personalized setting.

Overall, Dr. Smith says, addressing the issue of A-G completion requires a multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration from all stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, parents, and students themselves. By implementing these strategies and continuously assessing and adapting them as needed, we can work towards a future where every student has the opportunity and support to fulfill their potential and achieve success in college and beyond.



SOURCE: Dr. Ryan Smith

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